Instant receiving of the information about any alive or non alive object independently from time and distance;  


Diagnostics of all alive that exists on Earth, under water, under the ground and over it and in Cosmos. For this you will sufficiently call the name of a living being (and it is better to call the age). According to your wish we can see the condition of every organ separately, and also circulatory, vascular and another systems. With our help you can speak to dead relatives, any now alive relatives and friends on any distance, know their real attitude to you, thoughts and attitude to you of your lovely animals, character and attitude to you of the trees in your garden, flowers, cars, in the whole, of any alive or non alive objects. Everything that surrounds us has its own informational outing body and because of this is alive.

With our help you can ask any question and get the immediate answer from any prominent scientist, a cultural worker, a statesman and a leader of any country, etc. Person ever lived on Earth, for example:
Lincoln, Makedonskiy, Pushkin, Korolev, Pharaoh Hiops, etc.
Diagnostics of any technics, buildings, constructions, viewing the lands under the construction.
We will help you to buy a car( if it is broken for you or not, stolen or not, its technical condition, instructions for it and another questions).
In the same way we can see the quality of any goods selected by yourself, safety of your trips, flights and voyages, the best time for going through the customs, etc. If you are interested what weather will be in the day that interests you, you can only call the day of the week, month and year and you will get the necessary information;
If you are going to have some business meetings, you will know beforehand how your negotiations will go, what you should expect from your supposed partners, their financial situation, the results of your future operations and if your partners have those goods which they promise you, the quantity of the goods, etc.
You will know beforehand if your money that you are going to lend or credit will be revocable (for this you can only name your debtor);
If you take some man on work, you can only call a job title and you will know who he is by himself as a professional, his business and human characteristics and another questions.
You will know if some medicine do for the certain person and why, if you should do the operation or not and why. And if you however decide to have operation, we will tell you a suitable day and hour for it and everything will be done well (you should only call the name of that person who will have the operation and the place where it will be done). How the pregnancy will go or how it is going, how the foetus is growing and who is going to be born, etc.
If you are going to construct and put on the pipeline any new technics, with our help you will know beforehand its future positive qualities and defects, if you are going to do a boring, we can tell you if there is something you are looking for at that place under the ground or under water.
With the same effect we can talk to any archeological find and go deep with it into any decades, hundreds of years, thousands of years and so on;
With our help you will know which profession your child intends for, if it is worth to get married ( expediency of some marriage and why);
You will immediately get the answer if there is a virus in your computer even though it only began to develop;
The real chances to win in a pre election and election campaign of some candidate;
Expediency and perspective in the elaborated scientific, military and state programs, scientific discoveries and hypotheses, etc.;
For military, naval, cosmic and another subdivisions of state and united forces without going to the place we will immediately see a technical condition of any military unit, naval ship, spaceship of any country. We will also see expediency of conducting of military actions and their future results and another questions that interest you;
We will immediately define the reason of loss of connection of any sputnik on any distance;
In a moment we will answer before several days before the start if the launching of any space rocket will be successful or not and the reason of failure if such happens, etc.;


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